All Things Crystals 💎

  • Intention Setting with Crystals

    I love to set intentions with my crystals and use them to help me to manifest what I want. When you set an intention with a crystal, it will contin...
  • Crystals for welcoming in love

    Crystals can be an incredible wing (wo)man when it comes to attracting love into your life.  One of the simplest ways is to take some time to get v...
  • Crystals for Raising your Vibe

    When we work with crystals, they can help to heal and restore balance in our own energies, and raising our vibration to match theirs, absorbing, tr...
  • Crystals for Abundance

    Work with the magical crystals below to help open you up to receiving the very best that life has to offer; it’s time to welcome in the prosperity,...
  • Crystals for Calming the Mind

    Crystals can offer incredible support for those times when you find yourself trapped in your mind, over-thinking, questioning everything or not abl...
  • Crystals for Meditation

    Crystals can transform your meditation experience. There are a number of ways and reasons for choosing to meditate with crystals, from helping to q...
  • Crystals for Manifesting

    When it comes to manifesting and abundance, crystals are your go-to support squad for supercharging your wishes and bringing abundance in all areas...
  • Crystals for Change and Moving Forwards

    One of the main reasons why we hold on to relation-ships, beliefs, jobs or other things that we know, deep down, are not good for us is fear: fear ...
  • Programming your Crystals

    With your crystals cleansed and charged, it’s time to program them, so that they can heal, balance, align and amplify your own energy. When I fir...
  • Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals

    Your crystals may have been on quite a journey to get to you, often crossing continents and passing through many hands. So the first thing you’ll ...
  • A Short Guide to Gifting Crystals

    Gifting crystals to others is a beautiful thing to do and we're often asked how to go about it. Try holding the person in your mind’s eye and feel...
  • What is the witch wound, and how does it effect me?

    The witch wound is a trauma that’s buried deep in our psyche and our DNA. It is carried from our past lives and ancestral lineages, from times w...