Crystals for Raising your Vibe
When we work with crystals, they can help to heal and restore balance in our own energies, and raising our vibration to match theirs, absorbing, transforming and releasing stuck energies and bringing us back into alignment and balance where needed.
Some of the best crystals to raise your vibe are:
Known as the master crystal, this is one of the most popular and versatile crystals and is known for its high vibrations. Clear quartz helps to amplify (your thoughts, your words, your intentions and more – whatever you ask it to work with), and so it’s amazing to use for manifesting or intention setting, and when you want to raise your own vibration.
Kundalini citrine is a powerful crystal for manifestation and abundance. It connects you to the energy of the Universe, reminding you that you are a powerful co-creator, helping you to bring your intentions and dreams into reality.
It will raise your vibration, remind you of your personal power and help you to believe in yourself.
Raising self-worth and self-belief, Anhydrite helps you to expand your consciousness, raise your vibration and connect to your soul purpose and soul path.