Get ready for new beginnings with this beautiful bracelet stack.
Wear it to help you to grow, blossom and bloom into all that you can be and truly go after all that you desire.
- Flower agate bracelet
- Carnelian bracelet
- Amazonite bracelet
Flower agate - Pushing you towards your full potential, flower agate brings the confidence to follow your dreams and reach for what you want. It brings joy, personal growth and manifestation, and helps you to overcome doubt and fears and what holds you back. Named after the flower shaped inclusions within the crystal it will help you to blossom and bloom into all you came here to be.
Carnelian - A powerful crystal packed with life force energy and fertility. As well as helping to raise your sense of self-worth and boosting your confidence, carnelian also brings the courage to follow opportunities.
Amazonite - Amazonite will bring balance and peace, encouraging you to let go of all you are trying to control and go with the flow of life. Known as the stone of success or of hope, amazonite supports you in getting confidently clear on not only where you want to go, but also how to get there.
Caring for your bracelets: Please note that these are incredibly high grade crystals of the best quality. To keep your bracelets in good condition take them off when showering and do not get them wet too often (although the elastic is also high quality it will weaken through constant exposure to water).